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Issue with vehicle mouse controls and freelook in tracked vehicles
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The 'Car Left' and 'Car Right' keybinds offer the most fluid tracked/wheeled vehicle control. The issue is that when you bind your mouse left/right to these, when you enter "Look"(default keybind Alt) and move your mouse left or right, you shift the vehicle around. This could potentially cause you to drive off a road or endanger infantry moving beside you.

I've only noticed this happening in tracked vehicles.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Press ESC
  2. Go to Controls
  3. Make sure it's on the Keyboard section
  4. Click the drop-down and select Vehicle Movement
  5. Bind your mouse left & right to 'Car Left' and 'Car Right' respectively
  6. Unbind mouse left & right from 'Car More Left' and 'Car More Right'
  7. Exit out of controls and hop into the driver position of a tracked vehicle
  8. Have the vehicle's engine off and hold down Alt (default keybind) for "Look"
  9. Move your mouse side to side while holding down the "Look" keybind and notice your vehicle turning itself on and shifting around
  10. Start driving your vehicle with "Look" still engaged and notice that you're still steering it while trying to look around

Event Timeline

Inkorperated updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 9 2018, 1:54 PM
Inkorperated edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)