The sounds that are under the CfgRadio class ( in a mission, for example in the description.ext file), based on example from BIKI ( sound[] = { "\sound\filename1.ogg", db - 100, 1.0 }; ) has the following attributes:
- sound file with root
- volume
- pitch
However CfgSounds class has a forth attribute, that is the "distance", of how far the sound will be heard, and it works well here. In the case of CfgRadio, a forth attribute can be used, and as it seems it partially applies to the sound, but only in a given range. If this value is smaller than ~50 it will have an effect, otherwise it won't.
In most of the cases Radio sounds does not need to have a range/distance, since they are going trough the "radio", but there is the "directSay" command which would need it, as if it is a type of "radio" but a "3D" one. This around 50 meters limit ( without fade cut ) can be overcome in other cases with the use of CfgSounds and with commands, like "say3D" that has a syntax with distance as an input: ( from say3D [sound, maxDistance, pitch] ), but the "directSay" command does not have this feature, and is not compatible with CfgSounds.
The request of this report would be either ( or both ):
- Fix of the sound's distance attribute for the CfgRadio, to values greater than 50 will gave an effect
- Adding another syntax to "directSay" command that will have similar/same input as "say3D", like this one: ( from directSay [sound, maxDistance, pitch] )
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