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CfgRadio - Sound distance attribute does not work above a given value
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Unknown Object (User)
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Unknown Object (User), Mar 3 2018


The sounds that are under the CfgRadio class ( in a mission, for example in the description.ext file), based on example from BIKI ( sound[] = { "\sound\filename1.ogg", db - 100, 1.0 }; ) has the following attributes:

  • sound file with root
  • volume
  • pitch

However CfgSounds class has a forth attribute, that is the "distance", of how far the sound will be heard, and it works well here. In the case of CfgRadio, a forth attribute can be used, and as it seems it partially applies to the sound, but only in a given range. If this value is smaller than ~50 it will have an effect, otherwise it won't.

In most of the cases Radio sounds does not need to have a range/distance, since they are going trough the "radio", but there is the "directSay" command which would need it, as if it is a type of "radio" but a "3D" one. This around 50 meters limit ( without fade cut ) can be overcome in other cases with the use of CfgSounds and with commands, like "say3D" that has a syntax with distance as an input: ( from say3D [sound, maxDistance, pitch] ), but the "directSay" command does not have this feature, and is not compatible with CfgSounds.

The request of this report would be either ( or both ):

  • Fix of the sound's distance attribute for the CfgRadio, to values greater than 50 will gave an effect
  • Adding another syntax to "directSay" command that will have similar/same input as "say3D", like this one: ( from directSay [sound, maxDistance, pitch] )

Related BIKI entries:


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a mission in the editor.
  1. Copy this to a description.ext file of the mission:
class CfgRadio
	sounds[] = {};
	class RadioMsg1
		name	= "RadioMsg1";
		sound[]	= { "@A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\ENG\Male01ENG\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\140_Com_Status\HealthINeedHelpNow.ogg", 1, 1 , 3500}; // Sound cut at ~50m with no fade
		title	= "";
	class RadioMsg2
		name	= "RadioMsg2";
		sound[]	= { "@A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\ENG\Male01ENG\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\220_Support\SupportRequestRGCASHelicopter.ogg", 1, 1 , 10}; // Sound cut at ~10m with no fade
		title	= "";
  1. Put down a unit as playable ( that will be you to observe the sound), and put down another unit that will be named ( in my case as "mytalkingunit") and will be the source of the radio sounds.
  1. Start the game. While you moving around run one of the following commands from the Debug Consol:

mytalkingunit directSay "RadioMsg1";

mytalkingunit directSay "RadioMsg2";

  1. Observe the sounds, that the "RadioMsg1" will be inaudible only after you are about 50 meters far from the source of the sound, while the "RadioMsg2" will be inaudible even just ~10 meters from the same object.
Additional Information

Build: 1.80.143869

Event Timeline

Unknown Object (User) created this task.Mar 3 2018, 10:42 PM
Unknown Object (User) edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)