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start mission bug ARGO
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Boa noite, quando se iniciam as missões no modo combat patrol do ARGO, surge a seguinte mensagem de erro "*nenhuma morte", então fica impossível receber os 1000 pontos quando concluímos a missão sem mortes. já fizeram várias atualizações e até hoje não conseguiram resolver esse problema, espero que tenham sorte. obrigado!


Operating System
Windows 10
Error Message

Event Timeline

lucasoalvarenga renamed this task from start mission bug to start mission bug ARGO.
lucasoalvarenga updated the task description. (Show Details)
lucasoalvarenga changed Category from General to Error Message.
Vietwitch claimed this task.Jan 8 2018, 1:24 PM
Vietwitch changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
Vietwitch added a subscriber: Vietwitch.

Hello. Please write your reports in English.
Reward "zero casualties" works fine for me. It´s necessary to don´t die. Anyone from your team needs to be without death. Reward is cancelled once one of your teammate is killed.

Does the error occurs immediately when you start the mission? Is the zero casualties task cancelled after that. Please provide us some screens of the ingame error message. You could also send us your RPT file from: <Drive>:\Users\Your_name\AppData\Local\Argo after problem occurs and we try to figured out.
Thank you very much.

This comment was removed by Dwarden.
Dwarden added a subscriber: Dwarden.Dec 6 2019, 5:04 PM