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Visibility/rendering issues with trees and bushes when aiming with scopes
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Parts of trees or bushes not rendering correctly when aiming with scopes at certain areas

Body behind the tree is not visible

Body behind the tree is visible

AI was able to see and shoot through the trees at me


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Aim at tree with a scope and move it around a bit. Graphic settings don't seem to matter but I think distance to where you scope does.

Additional Information

I first noticed this 2 or so weeks ago on an server running mods like RHS, ACE, BW and TFAR when I couldnt find out from where the AI was shooting me but when I moved my scope a bit I noticed the issues described above and saw the AI through the tree but when I moved my scope back to aim at him I actually couldn't see him anymore because the tree rendered again like it should, the body in the image above is the AI that I killed (which was actually shooting through the trees at me which is another problem)

Imgur link with additional pictures:

Event Timeline

Astoad added a subscriber: Astoad.Aug 5 2021, 6:29 PM
Astoad removed a subscriber: Astoad.