Laws of War DLC Leaflets feature doesn't work if player is too far from drop place in SP/MP. Leaflet particles are fired but leaflets are never created on ground if player is too far or spectator camera is too far.
On JIP reconnect leaflets on ground are without texture.
I fixed it with this script that I run after client connected:
if (gClientMode == "CLIENT") then { { if(_x iskindof "Leaflet_05_F") then { ["init",[_x, "images\leaflet_ca.paa", localize "STR_Leaflet"]] call bis_fnc_initLeaflet; }; } foreach (nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "zoneCenter", [], 3000]); };
I have mission that works in SP/hosted LAN/Dedicated server that runs as persistent (persistent = 1; in server.cfg) and player is teleporting to action area from remote shelter.
Please remove player vicinity check and fix operations in MP