Eventhandlers called from CfgNonAiVehicles are not working.
For example
A3_Animals_F -> config.cpp -> CfgNonAiVehicles -> ButterFly_random
has an init eventhandler
class EventHandlers { init="(_this select 0) call bis_fnc_animalRandomization;"; };
that doesn't seem to do anything. There's four textures in a3/animals_f/data and this code in a3/functions_f/ambient/fn_animalrandomization.sqf
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ButterFly_random: Insect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (_this isKindOf "ButterFly_random") exitWith { _textureList = [ "\A3\Animals_F\Data\Butterfly_Pasha_co.paa", "\A3\Animals_F\Data\Butterfly_Swallow_co.paa", "\A3\Animals_F\Data\Butterfly_Tortoise_co.paa", "\A3\Animals_F\Data\Butterfly_White_co.paa" ]; _this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, (_textureList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom)]; };
So for now it seems that animal randomization is only working for animals defined as cfgvehicles. E.g. same EH in
animals_f_beta -> sheep -> config.cpp -> CfgVehicles
is working correctly