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A3 crash at launch
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I haven't been playing A3 for some time (2-3 months). So I decided to play A3, Steam downloaded some updates, I've started launcher, launched game and got

unknown software exception (0xc000001d)

So I tried to disable all mods, but it didn't help
Then I tried to check game files with Steam - it says everything is OK
Then I googled this issue but didn't find anything helpful. I installed Microsoft Security Update as recommended at dev.arma3/Known Issues, updated video drivers, but this didn't helped too.
And at last I deleted A3 and reinstalled it, but this issue still persists.
Here is a screenshot:


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Startup
Additional Information

Win 7 x64, GeForce 820M, i5-4210U
A3 version 1.72.142223
Branch: main
Launcher version: 1.5.142122
Here is report log from the A3 v1.66.139586 which launched successfully:


Event Timeline

trexxet created this task.Jun 29 2017, 4:49 PM
trexxet updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 29 2017, 4:51 PM
trexxet updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 29 2017, 5:10 PM

So I've managed to launch game by switching it to 32-bit mode.
However, I think that this issue should be solved because 64-bit mode has better performance