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Tracked Vehicle Drivers Still Do Not Brake for Turns
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So, ever since that patch that improved the AI drivers (for convoys and such), I've noticed that the AI drivers of wheeled vehicles do indeed follow roads much better and brake before turns to avoid flipping over. However, it seems as though these changes were not applied at all to tracked vehicles- they will still barrel around a corner at 90 km/h and, regrettably, flip the tank/APC/IFV over. The only way to counteract this is to tell your driver to stop, then reassign the waypoint, or just have a human player drive. This makes singleplayer gameplay, or gameplay involving different squads with human leaders, very inconvenient, and is one of the most frustrating things when driving to an objective a long distance away. I would like to ask that the improvements made to the wheeled vehicles also be applied to tracked vehicles.

Additionally, there seems to be no way to keep your driver to stick to the road in a tracked vehicle. I don't know if I'm overlooking the way to do this, but I haven't figured it out. If there was a way to toggle this as an option, command, or some similar method, that would be very very helpful.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.15063 Build 15063
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Place a tracked vehicle on the road on Chernarus at 044114 and tell your driver to go to the airfield south of this area. At the sharp turn at 045119, the vehicle will attempt to turn without braking, and usually flip itself over or rollover down the hill. (Other locations on various other maps, or even just in fields with a slight downwards slope will also cause this if the driver is going fast enough and decides to pull a sharp turn.)

Additional Information

It also seems impossible to tell your driver what speed to maintain when they are following a road or a move-order. If you tell them to move fast, they will continue straight on regardless of their intended destination, but they will respond normally to turn, stop, and reverse commands.

Event Timeline