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.62 Flashing Artifacts On Players And Zombies
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Just updated and theres flashing artifacts on players and zombies. Also theres artifacts on the trees I sent you a bug report regarding the tree vegetation bugs like years ago and still nothings being done.

Unplayable, and Ive checked out the Steam forum on Dayz and theres many reports on this.

When I found out you had updated the trees and vegetation I was very eager to check out if you actually had fixed the bugs, I was so wrong. Its completely unplayable.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Just login.

Event Timeline

JOHN007 created this task.Jun 10 2017, 3:38 AM

This is with any AMD GPU.

Any response devs please?

Still no response after 3 weeks? Here are some pictures how have you not seen this?

JOHN007 added a comment.EditedJun 29 2017, 12:41 PM

The artifacts are the same color as the sky, so theres a bug with the sky shader which results in flashing artifacts rendering on players and also look at the vegetation, its still bugged I sent you email after email regarding the vegetation artifacts and nothings being done.

Absolutely unplayable what a poor attempt.

Again I updated last night and its still the same.

You haven't even acknowledged this bug on the Steam update sections either just some crap about animation emotes.