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Cars fucking up when changing tires (On .62 experimental)
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Twice today I took the wheels off of a 4x4 (Lada) and the vehicle and the vehicle ended up in the air, once on a corner, and I could no longer get in the vehicle, the other time it was 3 feet in the air, and I could enter the vehicle, but no longer see into the hood to put the spark plug back in. The first time, the vehicle was on it's corner, and I could still interact in some ways, i.e. open door, and fold back the drivers seat but not get in. The second time when it was in the air, I could get in, close door, lights on, etc. but the spark plus was out so I could not see if it would drive. The second time someone else had been driving it for sure, as there was a repeater in it. The first time was by a castle, and it had a tire iron and repair kit in it. The first car it only shifted a bit when I took the first wheel off, and I could still do everything, and it was on the 2nd tire I took off that it flew up and got stuck on a corner. The second time I happened the first wheel I took off. The second time it was on a flat road. The First was on relatively uneaven ground. P.S. my zipped DayZ folder will not upload, it says no space on disk.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Equip tire iron
detach wheel

Additional Information

Event Timeline

an7drew created this task.Jun 4 2017, 4:18 PM
an7drew edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
an7drew renamed this task from Cars fucking up when changing tires to Cars fucking up when changing tires (On .62 experimental).Jun 4 2017, 6:31 PM