When editing a vehicle's attributes with zeus the following script error occurs on dialog confirmation:
12:00:22 Error in expression <4: {0}; default {-1}; }; if (_selected != _respawnID) then { [[_unit,true],"bi> 12:00:22 Error position: <!= _respawnID) then { [[_unit,true],"bi> 12:00:22 Error !=: Type Bool, expected Number,String,Not a Number,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Network Object,Team member,Task,Location 12:00:22 File A3\ui_f_curator\UI\RscCommon\RscAttributeRespawnVehicle.sqf, line 94 12:00:22 Error in expression <4: {0}; default {-1}; }; if (_selected != _respawnID) then { [[_unit,true],"bi> 12:00:22 Error position: <!= _respawnID) then { [[_unit,true],"bi> 12:00:22 Error Generic error in expression 12:00:22 File A3\ui_f_curator\UI\RscCommon\RscAttributeRespawnVehicle.sqf, line 94