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After using server, my game gives weird messages and crashes (error code) on exit
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The last thing I did before I started having issues was to log into a multiplayer server that was Stratis Wasteland V. 1.4 (Persist), the only stratis wasteland of that version number. For whatever reason, this server must have done something to my game because now I am having performance issues in game and it keeps giving me a message "Cannot P***Y out in combat" when trying to exit the game in any server when somebody is firing near me, and won't let me close the game. I also have a screen on my steam window when arma 3 is selected that says to download a wasteland server online at a website. I think it says Chernarus wasteland. I am also having sound issues and frame drops in game when in a vehicle and in buildings, and when I do actually close the game, it generates an error report stating "Status Access Violation" and a number. I have attached the 2 reports that were generated the last times I exited the game. Those are the only problems I am currently having, but I don't remember them being there before I entered that modified server.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Maybe you could attempt to join the server mentioned above and see what happens. I don't recall doing anything else to trigger it. I also can have performance issues anytime in a vehicle or building with sound issues and the message I get around firefights is constant, I cannot physically exit/leave game until away from a firefight, as the buttons are greyed out I think. The Chernarus wasteland message is pasted onto the steam browser window under the play button, with a Arma 3 spawn window image, when arma 3 is selected.

Additional Information

I have attached the files to this message. {F59027}I usually only play on wasteland servers.

Event Timeline

DB123M created this task.May 4 2017, 12:16 AM
Pi closed this task as Resolved.Jun 8 2021, 7:20 PM
Pi claimed this task.
Pi added a subscriber: Pi.

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