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When in any kind of prone stances, avatar's aiming/rotation angles and speed are not restricted in any way at all.
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I've been playing around with different stances in VR mode, when I found out that in all stances involving prone positions, while you severely limited in terms of speed when you try to move around, you are not limited AT ALL when you are aiming around or looking around. You are not even limited in terms of available arc of rotation, which is clearly dictated by human physiology. This leads to extremely awkward situation when a prone soldier rotates around with a speed dictated only by his mouse's sensitivity. That looks and feels extremely Battlefield-ish, and decreases immersion significantly.

It also defeats the very idea of creating all this variety of stances. The main idea is that when you are in prone positions, you are granted with certain tactical advantages. But it has its own cost - you are severely limited in your movements, you can't quickly aim to some point beyond a very limited arc without rearranging the rest of your body, you can't look around that easy too. This is a good, reasonable trade-off.

What, IMO, needs to be done here: arc within which you can move your crosshair and head (when looking around) must be limited to some realistic angle. In case you move beyond these limits, body animation kicks in and it takes some time before your avatar will change the direction its body is arranged with; as an option, to prevent unintended triggering of this process, you may need to hold stance button at the same time you are moving crosshair to the edge of this arc, to allow this body direction change to happen.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Assume any kind of prone position
  2. Switch to third person view for better perspective of your avatar
  3. Move mouse around, left and right, as fast as you can.

You can see how absolutely ridiculously this looks and feels, when body of your avatar rotates around with a speed of helicopter's blades. Yes, ARMA already features such behavior in standing and crouching positions, but at least in those it's theoretically possible to turn around this quick, so we can write this off to ARMA still being a game and some approximations are inevitable.

It's absolutely not possible in prone positions, especially when encumbrance from backpacks and other equipment is taken into account, and it should be treated seriously because of great amount of tactical advantage these positions give you, as mentioned above.

Event Timeline

kot1k created this task.Apr 2 2017, 5:14 PM
kot1k edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 2 2017, 5:17 PM
Roddis added a subscriber: Roddis.Apr 24 2017, 2:14 PM