hey guys,
i am not into the debugging stuff so much, but want give a short feedback from our exile taunus server, which is running in RC right now.
we experienced a problem with custom set buildings like e.g. exile walls with doors AND arma stock buildings e.g. a warehouse. after the update we didnt get the open/close-door animations etc anymore. befor the update these objects have been set with "enableSimulationGlobal false". now we must use "true" to get the animations and be able open the doors.
did you change something with enableSimulation, enbableSimulationGlobal or the animation stuff?
we didnt found the time yet to try the dynamicSimulation thing. but after all i read this should not effect simulationGlobal by default, or?
it seems, that this is not affected to buildings, which are set through mission.sqm and eden editor...
if you need more infos to that, please tell me.
cheers, looking forward to the release next week! :)