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Ammo loaded in weapons disappears in Editor after modifying loadout.
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


When modifying a units loadout in the Editor the ammo can vanish from a loaded weapon. It only happens, when no space for ammo is available outside the weapon.

For example:
A launcher is equipped with a loaded rocket, but no backpack is equipped.
A rifle is equipped with a loaded clip, but no uniform, vest or backpack is equipped.

A soldier should be able to carry a loaded launcher without a backpack.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Virtual Arsenal
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start ARMA 3
  2. Start Editor
  3. Place Unit: Syndikat -> Men (Bandits) -> Hireling (Launcher) (I_C_Soldier_Bandit_2_F)
  4. Right click on the unit and select "Edit Loadout..."
  5. Remove the backpack
  6. Close the Arsenal with "Ok"
  7. The unit now has a launcher without a rocket loaded


  1. Start ARMA 3
  2. Start Editor
  3. Place Unit: NATO -> Men -> Rifleman (B_Soldier_F)
  4. Right click on the unit and select "Edit Loadout..."
  5. Remove the vest and uniform
  6. Close the Arsenal with "Ok"
  7. The unit now has a rifle without ammo loaded
Additional Information

The Bug was reproduced in both the x64 development branch aswell as the current release.

This bug is not reproducible, when accessing the arsenal from the Tutorial section.

Event Timeline

Jhonny created this task.Feb 4 2017, 9:03 PM
Jhonny edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Jhonny updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 4 2017, 9:06 PM
Jhonny edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Feb 4 2017, 9:18 PM
Jhonny edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Alwin claimed this task.Feb 6 2017, 5:12 PM
Alwin changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
Jhonny changed Category from Eden Editor to Virtual Arsenal.Feb 15 2017, 9:31 PM
Alwin changed the task status from Reviewed to Acknowledged.Feb 16 2017, 10:11 AM
Jhonny edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Feb 16 2017, 3:07 PM