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Tanoan bridges appear with low-quality/vertex lighting
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


The large bridge asset on Tanoa does not get lit correctly (at night / dynamically). The road surface itself appears to be falling back to vertex lighting, while the other assets around it are not.

This affects all instances of the bridge asset I've found:

  • Main island - SE island
  • Between the two SW islands
  • Georgetown - St. Julien river


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Open Tanoa in editor
Place a car just before the bridge in/near Harcourt (south-east island), example coords: 11360,5216
Set time to night (dark enough to need a light)
Start the scenario and drive across the bridge with headlights switched on
Observe that the roads before and after the bridge, as well as the footpath and railing on the bridge receive light correctly while the road on the bridge does not.

Additional Information

I recently switched between the stable, dev and profiling branch and all had the same problem.

affected stable version: 1.66.139586

In the following screenshots you can see the headlights of truck and the work lights are on and not lighting the road surface correctly. The footpath and railings are being lit as expected. The truck was moved slightly between shots.

Event Timeline

jax created this task.Jan 18 2017, 5:10 AM
jax edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 18 2017, 6:00 AM
Alwin claimed this task.Jan 24 2017, 4:15 PM
Alwin changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.