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left the game in Cherno-towers top and came back in the next game in the cellar.
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  • First: i play the 64Bit version on "experimemtal server DE 1st/3rd person". **

I spawned eastern of elektro, where it only rained.

#1#There were no reactions to be wet or cold or hungry or thirsty. Blood to 4780, Health to 4800 status frozen.

#2#No reactions to the enviroment and Zeds. I tried to find another person that could hurt me, but there was not one. Zed´s ignored me. Seem to blind and thumb (those poor creatures). If i hit them in the face, they follow me until the end of thhe game, nonstop.

Now i walk around in the cellar of chernogorsk-tower. No way out.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

First start today on the same server, i died in 20 minutes 2 times. no loot, zeds ignoring me, allways raining, extremely cold and cquickly cooling of. And its so fucking dark at night, that i cant see the roadflair in my hands. nearly black. Even Kontrast and Brightness settings did not react to my input.

The lighted roadflair blending my character, so i cant see much more in the dark. If the flair is on the floor, i can see more clearly. Like in reallife. And the shadows look sooo cool. Maybe a good idea: when aiming with the flair the caracter will put flair or torch over his head like you would do in reallife.

Hard wheater, Zeds that are chasing u to the end of the world so fast (so that you have to kill em or lock them up), more dangerus darknes. That makes the whole game harder to survive and dont let too much space for KOS-kids that have nothing better to do in this game. More Interresting!
If the weather and the night-expiriences i had are bugs, leave it so. Please. There is no more police in Chernarus to keep morality, so its up to the gods of Chernarus to change the inviroment in any ways, that players are more used to work together, or make it more hard to find weapons especialy on the coast. First survive, than PVP and KOS.

Event Timeline

Goateswyn updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 14 2016, 2:01 PM