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AA glitched
Need More Info, NormalPublic


After the 1.66 update. The aa launcher is messed up. When fired sometimes the rocket will literally do 360's and spin out of control and follow the target spazing out and the pilot of helicopter or jet can't flare because it will hit you always about a 1 percent chance you might survive. Also when in a helicopter or jet. You will be locked and it will appear for 1 second and you flare it will still hit you. In sort terms the missle detection is broken


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Easy. Lock the target and fire and have a friend next to you to see the rocket. It will go crazy and follow the target like that. Second enter the helicopter. Get locked on.(In multiplayer not with ai for some reason in editor the missle detection works) and watch yourself deploy all of your flares and still get hit no matter what. Unless you got that 1 percent luck.

Additional Information

Also the rocket might not even appear on the air radar and you will get out of nowhere

Event Timeline

Jetmat created this task.Dec 5 2016, 1:07 AM
Jawsh added a subscriber: Jawsh.Dec 5 2016, 1:44 AM

@Jetmat, would you be able to link to a video that clearly show this issue?

Cheetah missiles also "tumble" thru the air when launched at a target.. (KOTH server i saw it on)

I can confirm the bug. Makes flying jet really unenjoyable. you also can't see this rockets on your radar in the jet, you just hear the "peep" in the second the rocket is launched.... If I'm lucky an will survive for a couple of minutes I have to restart arma 3 because of this annoying 3-5 fps bug, which I have like 5-7 times in one KotH session since the update (1-2 times before) Good 10gb update... Not

razazel claimed this task.Dec 5 2016, 12:46 PM
razazel changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


thank you for the feedback. Are you able to observe this issue anywhere else than KotH games? For example trying it out in Zeus?

I had the same problem on a Dominationserver when AI's launched missiles at me.

If possible, please try to provide some repro steps or better yet a repro mission that would demonstrate the issue, we are having some hard time trying to reproduce this.