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Gunshot sounds are too loud
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The gunshot sounds in Arma 3 are too loud. I sent a support ticket for this and I was instructed to open a feedback ticket here. This is not something trivial for me, I simply cannot stand this sound; it is realistic indeed, it sounds as it should sound in real life, but I am using headphones and my ear health is more important to me to the point that I bought this game and I don't play it. There are others who complain about this issue over the internet. Please do something about this: either add an option to disable this high dynamic sound range, or an option to normalize the volume or, I don't know, whatever you can to bring the sound to something like Arma 2, those gunshot sounds were really fine. Turning ON the SVN (normalize) option in the Asus Xonar DG control panel somehow muffles the gunshot sound but, whenever I shoot something, all the other sounds (including voices) get turned down a lot, for 1-2 seconds (so this external option distorts the in-game sounds; it has to be something internal). I really want to buy also the Apex expansion but, as this is, I cannot play this game: playing this game at a very low volume level in order to avoid the high dynamic range makes the game almost unplayable. Maybe this sound was made for speakers because, as someone said, with a normal volume level, one feels like the enemy is in the house; but with headphones, playing this game over a longer period of time, will surely damage one's ears.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Steps To Reproduce

The loudness is present whenever I shoot any gun.

Event Timeline

silviuf created this task.Jul 20 2016, 9:36 PM
silviuf updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 20 2016, 9:38 PM