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Massive frame drops after 1.62 update
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Frames drop from 120 to 15 fps in main menu alone. Same situation happens in single player and multiplayer too.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Starting up the game/playing

Additional Information

I have a GTX 960m, a Intel I7 4700k, 16gb of ram and 8gb of video ram and a 500gb SSD.

Event Timeline

Slentek created this task.Jul 14 2016, 12:39 AM
Slentek edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 5:05 PM
Slentek edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
razazel claimed this task.Jul 15 2016, 10:26 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


thank you for the feedback.

To deal with this issue we need more info. For starters, please upload you Arma 3 Troubleshooting Report file here.

Next we mind need some specific info that you need to gather by following these few steps:

  • Switch to latest Arma 3 "profiling branch" - Steam Branches
  • Go into "Arma 3" directory in Steam and rename "arma3profiling.exe" to "arma3.exe" (Launcher and BattlEye are expecting that one).
  • Launch game, start playing and wait for the FPS drops or lags to occur
  • Then. press together {L SHIFT} + {NUM -} (NUM Minus) and release them - Help
  • Then just type "frame" (as with any other cheat mentioned in the Help)
  • Should a dialogue stating it was successful appear, select "COPY ALL" (third button at the bottom row).
  • Data should be copied to clip board so paste them (CTRL+V) anywhere you want (e.g. create a new txt file on desktop and paste the info there)

Once you have those files, please upload them here (or, if you encounter any trouble with that, to some free file sharing service and post the link here).

Thank you very much