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Low FPS with APEX update
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Today I downloaded the new APEX DLC patch on Steam. I eagerly jumped on the game, joined a KOTH Tanoa Server and noticed my frame rate was EXTREMELY low.
I usually get 40-50fps in KOTH, and 55-60fps in single player. I am now getting 20-30fps with dips down to 3fps.
I tried single player, and also ran "Yet Another Arma Benchmark" (YAAB).
My results in yaab are approx 30% lower than pre-patch on all video presets.

I validated steam cache.
I upgraded nvidia drivers.
I tried fullscreen, and fullscreen-windowed.
I deleted the game and re-downloaded the entire thing.
Then returned to step 1 and same results.

Not sure what is causing the issue, but the game is running very poorly now. (Altis or Tanoa).

If there is any further info I can give you please let me know.



Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Unsure what is causing the problem but it is new since the APEX patch.

Additional Information

System specs in DXDIAG.

Please note: SLI enabled/disabled does not seem to fix issue.
I am running ARMA 3 @ 1920x1080 144hz

Event Timeline

Zee created this task.Jul 12 2016, 2:11 PM
razazel claimed this task.Jul 12 2016, 3:54 PM
razazel changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


thank you for the feedback. Could you please upload the Arma 3 Report files also?
Should you encounter trouble uploading the files here, please upload them to some free file sharing service (e.g. Dropbox) and post the link.


Zee added a comment.Jul 13 2016, 9:43 AM

Hi Razazel,
Are these what you need? From the AppData/local/arma3 folder?

razazel changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Jul 13 2016, 12:30 PM

Yep, thank you :)

Zee added a comment.Jul 13 2016, 12:48 PM

I hope you can find a solution. If you need anything else let me know.
Good luck :)

razazel added a comment.EditedJul 14 2016, 9:08 AM

Hello again :)

So a plan to deal with this is in the progress, there's something I need you to do so we can progress further.

If you won't mind, please, go through these steps

  • Switch to latest Arma 3 "profiling branch" - Steam Branches
  • Go into "Arma 3" directory in Steam and rename "arma3profiling.exe" to "arma3.exe" (Launcher and BattlEye are expecting that one).
  • Launch game and start playing.
  • Press together {L SHIFT} + {NUM -} (NUM Minus) and release them - Help
  • Then just type "frame" (as with any other cheat mentioned in the Help)
  • Should a dialogue stating it was successful appear, select "COPY ALL" (third button at the bottom row).
  • Data should be copied to clip board so paste them (CTRL+V) anywhere you want (e.g. create a new txt file on desktop and paste the info there)

Once you have that file, please upload it here (or, if you encounter any trouble with that, to some free file sharing service and post the link here).

Thank you very much :)

Zee added a comment.Jul 14 2016, 12:20 PM

Hi Buddy,
I did all the stuff as instructed above.
I did it on my local KOTH Tanoa server with my character standing in the spawn area.
Here is the rich text file.

Thanks for looking into it for me. :)

Zee added a comment.EditedJul 14 2016, 12:48 PM

Also just encountered this crash when I reverted to the regular game (opted out of beta and replaced my arma3.exe with original)
I have had similar crashes pre-patch but maybe it will help you...

Exit code: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

I couldn't upload the entire report so if you need it please let know.


sorry to bother you again, it seems that the info about the "frame" cheat was not complete and I need you to try it out again one more time, but this time please play the game up until the FPS drop and freezing.

So sorry about that :(

Zee added a comment.Jul 15 2016, 11:37 AM

Hey razazel,
I did it twice in one session for you. I hope it worked..

Zee added a comment.Jul 15 2016, 11:41 AM

One more for good measure!

Thank you, much appreciated :)


thank you for the feedback you have provided in this matter.

As progress in this case is moving forward, we are trying to pinpoint the cause, which unfortunately means yet another intel gathering.

A new profiling was published, rev. 137737, that will help us get more precise info about the issue.

Almost all of the performed steps are still the same, almost every of them only two things change:

  • needs to be the latest profiling branch rev. 137737
  • this time include also the rpt file from the session

Once you have those, ZIP them and attach them here again. One frame will do, more of them are very welcome (please make sure to have corresponding rpt as well).

Thank you