When ever i launch the game it comes up with a error that says : a3_language_f_exp_b' requires addon 'a3_data_f_exp_b'.
so i went onto the steam community looking for help and i found some help but all the techniques to fix the problem didn't work. I tried checking for errors but steam said that there was no errors in the files so i tried the second method which was to reinstall Arma 3 which i did and the same error happened again. I believe that their is just a error on the mac version of the game because the same error happened to my friend BLACKSON who also brought it and he is on mac also. Contact me @ [email protected] if you are able to fix the problem or if you have a way for me to fix it my self thank you for reading please fix this bug. Contact me as fast as you can coz i really want to play Arma 3 as i am getting a Gaming rig in 3 months time
but i just have the edge to play :D
Thank you for reading
Please Fix :(