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Fall through the ground
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Driving a hatchback along the west edge of the playable area. West of pushtoska going to sinistock top speed and the car drives into the ground, the camera does not follow and I can hear the car drive off into the distance. At some point the car crashes because my context menu changes from engine off option to engine on. I get out and die instantly.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Latest stable
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

Drive along the west edge of playable area north from pustoshka, starting point where they paved east-west road ends, travel north on the outside of the map straight north.

Additional Information

Car spawned in pustoska with a tire which reported pristine in ui but was really damaged because car would spin out after gaining speed, had to repair it to fix but couldn't tell it needed repair.

Event Timeline

j4cknife created this task.Jul 3 2016, 3:48 PM