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AI Jump From Harcourt Bridge When In Combat
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I created a SP mission in Tanoa where NATO troops would start in Kotomo? (The village on the north side of the Harcourt Bay) and march across the large bridge to attack Syndikat troops in Harcourt. The AI marched in single file across the bridge okay, but as soon as they went into combat mode and started fighting the enemy, the AI started to move towards the railings and, almost one by one, vault or "step over" the railings until they fell off into the water and died. They would constantly do the "step over" animation against the railing as they glitched through it, until they fell off. I cannot be sure if the AI not in my squad/group were doing the same thing, by every AI in my 12-man group did this.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Send an AI commanded squad that includes the player (in this specific case, the player was the last in the chain of command) and have them march across the Harcourt Bridge on a Seek and Destroy waypoint, the waypoint was attached in the 3D editor to a enemy AI "commander" in a group of his own. Place enemy troops in Harcourt near the bridge so that they will engage anyone crossing the bridge.

Additional Information

The bridge was randomly littered with car wrecks, and 2 working empty Syndikat 4x4's which were forming a roadblock (although there was ample room for infantry to walk past in between and around the sides of the cars). I am not sure if they had an effect on the AI behavior.

Event Timeline

emptw1 created this task.Jul 1 2016, 11:15 PM