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Arma 3 crash random in game
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hello, my game is unplayable, after a while (that can be one o'clock as 3 minutes) my game crash, with an error message "DX11 error: buffer map failed: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED"


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

Xoasise created this task.Jun 26 2016, 7:10 PM
razazel claimed this task.Jun 27 2016, 10:32 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.



thank you for the feedback.

Are you running any mods? If so please try to disable them first.

The next thing I would ask you to do is to provide us with the crashdumps.
If you are getting crash with vanilla version (without mods) please try to provide crashdumps created without the mods.

You can get the files by simply reproducing the crash, once the error window appears select Show Details and Prepare Report, once the files are ready, you will have option to Save Report enabled, please use it and save the ZIP file with the report somewhere where you can access it and upload it here.
Or you can look for the crashdumps manually. Crashdump (set of mdmp + rpt + bidmp with same timestamp) files should be located in this directory:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Arma 3

Once you have the files in a ZIP, please drag&drop them into the comment box, or (if you encounter any issue with uploading it here) upload them to some free file sharing service (for example Dropbox) and post the link to the files into the comments.

Thank you


Excuse me my english is bad.

I have no mod but i have the extension(dlc) Zeus.( It was included in the download of arma 3)

The report is here (i have problems with uploading in the comment box) :

Always no answer?

razazel changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Jul 4 2016, 9:41 AM

Sorry for that, there is currently a lot on our hands so replies might be scarce now. Your crashdump files are being looked at and fix should be available with the next update.

Could you please try to disable the -maxVram parameter and see if that helps?

Ok thank you , i will try to disable -maxVram.

The deactivation of -maxVram made nothing. I hope that this error going to be adjusted has the next update.