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The Loot Econemy's bugs and glitches
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In the past few days i have been seeing a wierd and drastic change in the loot economy, i dont know if this is intentionel, thats why i am posting this, now, i own a private master shard server where i play daily on. First thing i do when i log in is go check the tents for loot, now before, guns like the M4a1 used to spawn in the tents, and the Dragunov (SVD) spawned in the commander building. After the small update on wednesday where servers went offline i noticed a diffrence in the spawns, the M4a1 and SVD no longer spawns at the following locations (which i have checked out) [North West Airfield (NWAF)] [Tisy Military Base] [Vybor Military Camp]. I dont know if this is intenional or not, but before, after a fresh restart the M4a1 spawned in bigger numbers at the tents, and allot of the time the SVD spawned at the Commando tent. I cant say if this is a coincidence or not but it sure seems odd that i found around 3-4 M4's a day and now i havent seen 1 in days, the servers is locked and whitelisted 24/7 so no-one else plays on it but me. I dont know if this is an intenional Loot economy modification or if it is a issue, so therefore i am reporting it here.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

magnus2108 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 24 2016, 8:43 PM
magnus2108 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 24 2016, 8:52 PM

Developers seriously need to take a look at this. It's been like this for days now. Private shards' populations are dwindling because it's impossible to find higher end gear outside heli crashes.

Apparently it works a little like this, if you have 5 m4's no m4s spawn, if you have 2 or non for that matter, they spawn, if you have 5 AKM's they dont spawn and so on, i dont think this is a very good idea and since i only owned 1 SVD there is still something really broken in the Loot Economy.

lipek added a subscriber: lipek.Jun 26 2016, 9:51 PM