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Rubberbanding/Teleporting back to a previous location
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Hi Dayz Team,

Let me start by saying that I genuinely love the new patch (0.60).
My ability to play normally is heavily impacted by the rubberband/teleporting issue after playing 5-10 mins.
I occurs mainly when sprinting for more that 200m. It seems like the network cant keep up anymore.
Then, my character gets put back to a place a was before. I got killed multiple times because I was apparently running into the side of a house/fence and got shot in the head by someone i could not see. (confirmed by friend).
Here is what I tried to do so far:

  • Reset Modem/Router
  • Restart Game/Computer
  • Reset my Winsock by doing: netsh winsock reset
  • Played on <50 ping servers

None of the items above resolved the issue.
Also, I don't have this issue with ARMA3, or any other game. What could cause this?
As this is my favorite game, I would like to ask you to look at this seriously. Thank you so much in advance.

My specs:
32gb Ram
1000W PSU

900k down, which is a problem I admit, however this wasn't a problem in all of the patches before! Something changed, but what? (Note: Nothing in my situation changed).


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Connect to a low ping server
Connect with a 900k down network
Keep sprinting for 5/10 minutes
watch yourself being teleported back.

Additional Information

Contact me at any point for footage or more information.
Twitter: @alfanickgaming

Event Timeline

AlfaNick created this task.Jun 19 2016, 8:38 PM
AlfaNick edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 19 2016, 8:41 PM
AlfaNick changed Category from General to Server.Jun 21 2016, 10:11 PM