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issue withdownloading mods
Closed, ResolvedPublic


when i download mods it will download to content folder in steapp instead of arma 3 folder
i hve setup the download folder in launcher to arma 3 game folder but it stillgoes to E:\gamezz\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
win 10 pro

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BISWizard closed this task as Resolved.
BISWizard added a subscriber: BISWizard.

that is correct, the download location can't be changed. Mods from Steam Workshop are downloaded by Steam client and it stores them where it sees fit. There is no way to change that. The mod storage path in Launcher is now applies only to a few "legacy" Workshop mods.

BISWizard changed Category from General to Launcher.Jun 18 2016, 3:02 PM

Hello thank youfor response
so why i can change thepath to arma 3 but it willdownloadtocontent?
ihad noproblem withthesedosnloads tillbegening of june when i had to reinstall arma 3 and since then any mod is being downloaded to that content instead of arma 3

Up until the patch 1.60, the mods were copied to the folder you have selected in Launcher settings. Since 1.60 mods are no longer copied to Arma folder and Launcher uses mods directly from the place where Steam client downloads them (and before you ask: no, we can't move them otherwise Steam client would re-downloaded them on its own eventually).