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Sedan Stops Working
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I found a Sedan with a few friends of mine. After driving for a bit and noticing the vehicle was straying to the left, we went and checked the tires. Two of them were damaged. We put the car down next to Kambiwobo to go look for some tires and a Lug Wrench. After we put it down, two of my friends went into the town and I went to watch over the vehicle with a scoped Winchester. After a while my friends came back with no luck so we wanted to drive to the next city, which was Elektra. After getting into the car and starting the engine, the front tires kind of ached up. And the car would only turn, but not go forward or backward. We decided to leave the car behind for a while as it became undrivable. We tried many things to get it working. We relogged and tried different drivers, but nothing worked. We took out the Battery and the Spark Plug to go look for a Lug Wrench. After a while we had found a Lug Wrench in Elektra and some tires in Kambiwobo. So we came back to the vehicle to try to get it working. When we came back 3 of our tires were stolen. We were able to re-attach them with the wrench. And when we had, it looked like the front tires were back on the ground again. So we put everything back in and started the engine. We were able to drive, but it was almost like we had no traction at all. We just slid down the side of a very small hill. Making the car undrivable.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Pro
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Drive car with broken tires
  2. Stop car in small hill
  3. Stay away for a small while
  4. Get in and start the engine

Also we did this with 3 people

Event Timeline

Destava created this task.Jun 17 2016, 9:37 AM