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SPAR 16 suggestions for improvement
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Knowing that the Apex content is still work in progress I am commenting based on what I have seen of the sneak peek version.

Issue 1: Change the support hand position to be more similar to the MX rifle where it's furthur out on the handguard. The current "magwell" hold is not seen as been optimal for close in fighting compared to support hand positions where it is furthur out allowing for better control over quick target transitions and recoil management.

Issue 2: Character holds the rifle with the buttstock off the body. Probably because the body position is a copy of the body position of the MX rifle. If possible when fixing it, rather than extend the buttstock so it touches the shoulder, maybe have the character simply "pull" the rifle in closer so it makes contact with shoulder. This fits in with the modern fighting stance with shorter buttstocks and a more squared up stance.

Issue 3: Reload animation is pretty good but a small suggestion would be to make the character rotate the rifle a bit more to the right so that the ejection port faces directly down rather than have it at a 45 degree angle. Also it's good to see the way the character point the rifle up to make it easier to reload the rifle but also have the muzzle level with the eye and not have it point straight up in the air making a target indicator if reloading behind cover. I haven't seen many games get this bit right.

Issue 4: At the end of the reload animation the character uses the bolt catch to bring the bolt back into battery. IRL I prefer to rack the charging handle to get it back into action but that's just my personal preference, using the bolt catch is still considered good form so I don't mind if this doesn't change.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Weapon Stabilization

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