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Character gun sutcked in your hands after drinking from a well/pomp
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I was playing to Dayz Experimental 0.60 today and I had a gun into my hands, and one on my back. I was thirsty and I saw a well, I put my Sporter .22 Green on the floor and then I drunk a lot by spamming "Use the pomp" and then "Cancel current action". I thought the action was stopped after "Cancel current action" but I spammed too much and my character was still drinking when I decided to take back my Sporter .22 Green in my hands, then, this one is now stuck in my right hand and I can still shoot with it BUT I'm unable to take an other item on my hands or to drop it on the ground. I tried to climb a ladder to get it away but my character was climbing with the Sporter .22 Green in his right hand


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 8
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Conditions : Having a gun on your back and one in your hands

1 - Find a well / pomp
2 - Drop your gun (the one in your hands) on the ground
3 - "Use the pomp" and then "Cancel current action" several times
4 - Instantly take back your weapon

Event Timeline

Yukams created this task.Jun 9 2016, 2:04 PM