//"Hello from my experiences for this last updates they have broken Zeus gamemode in a way, e.g if a Zeus puts a spawn point for any faction (BLUFOR, OPPFOR, INDEPENDENT even CIVILIAN), and delete the spawnpoint, when the zeus re-puts a new respawn point 90% of the server will be not able to spawn (they can't spawn, but they can see the spawnpoint) in without need: to Restart the game; Wait 1 - 2 minutes to see the spawn point spawnable or restart the mission, the only way to fix that right now it's to make a Unit, Vehicle, Object, etc... (any Entity that can be made as an "Object Respawn") if you make a vehicle or a Unit everyone will be able to spawn without problems, other problems, Custom Loadouts (Arsenal) don't work or f%%cs the server, they don't show and they break the mission. That were the bugs.
Here it's some suggestions not in the same subject (of being to fix the bugs).
At Lobby make a zone or a shortcut with all the commands please, new people don't know how to do #vote admin "player", or if the mission starts and the zeus doesn't end the mission, people don't know what does "#vote reassign"Even afther explain, the user-interface for new people show be easier for 'em, have a option like this:
[choose name]* Being like a drop down menu
#vote admin [choose name] *Hint* This allows you vote to choose an admin.
#vote reassign *Hint* This allows vote to end the mission or reassign everyone th the main menu.
#vote kick [choose name] *Hint* This allows you vote to kick someone, for e.g someone's who tking (teamkilling).
-------Admin Commands-------
#kick [choose name] *Hint* This allows you vote to kick someone, for e.g someone's who tking (teamkilling).
#restart *Hint* Restart the Mission(s) with the same parameters and everyone with their previous selected.
#reassign *Hint* This will end the mission and go back to lobby making everyon un-assigned.
#missions *Hint* This will allow you to choose the missions.
By the way, could you maybe re-do the "Drawing tool" look at this, i'm serious =/ (this happens alot 'cause annoying people and 'cause 90% of zeus mission are bugged, 'cause the new update)"//
- Exemples for the new people ---
I've put the file if you want to take a look at it.
Thanks for Reading.
This is the "foward" of my email.