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DayZ Standalone 0.60.13345 Heli crash bug
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I noticed a bug on the latest version of 0.60 experimental regarding the heli crash sites. The normal american crashsites spawn and look like they should, you can see the smoke and the chopper itself from a fair distance away, which is good. The bug is present with the russian ones however, you can only see the chopper itself when you are within 100m of it. The chopper just doesnt render in past this distance, which I assume is 100m. What this means is that you literally have to go each specific spawnpoint to see if theres a chopper there.

This bug was also happening on the first iteration of 0.60 on experimental with both types of choppers, but since the american ones produce smoke you could still spot these ones like normal. I have provided a video for you guys where you can see this bug in place so I hope this is enough info for you to fix this issue.

Link to the video here:


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Just go to a Russian crash site and you can see this bug in affect.

Additional Information

Here is the video link:

Event Timeline

To add context, the render of this chopper doesnt occur at all until someone is within 100m of it. After that point, it renders in fine for anyone at normal render distance. I saw it not there, then there as someone ran by it, shot at him, he ran, and it un-rendered.

I was 800m out.