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since update 1.60
Reviewed, NormalPublic


i can not connect to any servers 99% of the time and that 1% i do it crashs 5 min into playing what a waste of money at moment bought a game for multiplayer and cant play it


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

reloaded game

Additional Information

Event Timeline

razazel claimed this task.Jun 3 2016, 4:05 PM
razazel changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


thank you for the feedback. Your RPT files indicate that there are some data missing or corrupt. Please try to verify integrity of your game cache via Steam.

How to:
Steam > Arma 3 > right-click > Properties > Local Data tab > Verify Integrity of Game Cache
(This procedure is recommended after every bigger update of your files).

Please try to do so and let me know if that have helped.

Thank you

have done still does the same

ok 4 days and that all you have to say???


the issue you are experiencing has been submitted for a fix. Unfortunately this issue is caused by the mods that you are using so there is not much that can be done at the moment except for not using the mod (which would however currently leave you only with an option to play only vanilla version of the game or using a different mod).

This problem can now be resolved either by a fix we apply that will however come into effect only after an update is released or by the mod creators who will need to fix the animation configurations they are using.

wasteoftime added a comment.EditedJun 8 2016, 7:42 PM

but it happens even if i dont have mod on only time i can play is if i use epoch mod experimental then it works fine