While using Track IR, Mouse Look, or any sort of freelook, it is possible to look in another direction which makes the firing dot of the reflector sight not align with the direction the plane is shooting. This also interferes with accuracy in a plane, and is a slight annoyance on the ground when the whole image of a reflector sight moves along with head movement. It is most apparent with Head rotation with Track IR, but is visible with other methods of freelook as well.
- Severity
- Minor
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Operating System
- Windows 10 x64
- Operating System Version
- latest
- Category
- Visual-Vehicles
While in any plane, look to the side and notice how the HUD of the plane moves with the parallax of the head movement. This is much more exaggerated with Track IR head rotation.
Event Timeline
thank you for the feedback. Could you please provide some video of the issue.
The HUD is indeed moving but it should still be align correctly with the target location. How that works is probably best observable when standing still on the ground (Engine On so the HUD is visible) and facing some structure.
If you do that, fire few rounds at the target, now move your head using the free look, watch the HUD and fire few rounds at the target. See it is a hit again.
If you do have some video of this indeed not working properly, please try to provide it.
Thank you
The HUD does not align with the target location completely, as the parallax from head movement causes disalignment. The guns hit the same location, while the HUD of the plane itself shows a different location for the rounds being fired to.
Just to clarify, a reflector sight has very minimal, if not no parallax when changing the viewing angle. This isn't the case for the reflector sights in Arma 3
With head roll. the reflector sight of the aircraft comes out of alignment with the gun. Don't tell me it doesn't, the video shows it.
I did not say id doesn't do this, I simply did not encounter this issue (perhaps I moved my head too little or did not have it set good enough to notice it), this is why I asked for the video.
Once you provided it I had a better picture of what the problem is and with a nice repro :)
Thank you very much for the video and sorry for not replying right away, we are already looking into that.