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Disappearing Weapons
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If you are carrying two guns (one on back, one in hands) and you perform an action such as drinking a PET bottle, or eating some beans, the gun in your hands will disappear.
After you have completed eating or whatever, that item is bugged. It does not function and sometimes lingers in the inventory.
Once the action has completed, your character will never pull out the second gun again..
The weapon is not dropped on the ground or replaced with the weapon on your back, it is lost forever.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Hold one gun in your hands, one on your back
  2. Eat some beans, drink some soda, or drink from a container in your inventory WHILE having the gun in your hands still. (Right click > Drink/etc.)

*your character will now put away the weapon and begin drinking/eating*

  1. observe that your character does not grab the gun back out, and the item which you drank or ate is now bugged.
Additional Information

This bug is no longer occurring for me; I can't reproduce it anymore.
It may have been a special case the few times that this happened, or it may have been fixed.

This task can probably be closed.

Event Timeline

BrokenEffect renamed this task from Disappearing Guns to Disappearing Weapons.Jun 1 2016, 5:36 AM
BrokenEffect updated the task description. (Show Details)
BrokenEffect changed Reproducibility from Always to Unable To Reproduce.Jun 8 2016, 4:21 PM
BrokenEffect edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
shaqan added a subscriber: shaqan.Jun 8 2016, 6:02 PM
This comment was removed by shaqan.