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DX11 error: CreateTexturefailed : E_OutofMemory
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Arma 3 cannot create textures due to reaching max memory allocation of a 32bit app.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Pro 1511 (OS BUILD 10586. 318)
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

I've only been able to reproduce this on servers with 100 active players, and on gamemodes with tons of vehicals. I'll use altis life as an example.
1.} Have game set to Ultra, With a distane of 3400 on both object and overall distance, 2k on shadows.
2.) Max out AA and have resolution at 2560x1440 or above, easily reproducable @ 3840x2160
3.) Travel to the other side of altis from spawn, may take one or two attempts. Make sure to travel to Kavala, Athira, Sophia, and Pygros in these attempts.
4.) Arma will then start to load in low quality LOD's, and framerate will tank.
5.) Eventually you will get a CTD with it saying DX11 error: CreateTextureFailed : E_outofmemory

Additional Information

The current system I'm using that reproduces this is equipped with 6Gigs of Vram, and 64gigs of DDR4 Ram. Heres an example.
Only recently started occuring frequently on Arma 3's most recent LIVE stable Build 1.58.135742

Event Timeline