If player opens up 3D printer menu. He can notice that some items have incorrect icons.
Im listing the incorrect icons for structures down below.
Exterior Fence - Large floor panel icon
Exterior Fence Large - Large floor panel icon
Exterior Fence Outer Turn - Large floor panel icon
Exterior Fence Inner Turn - Large floor panel icon
Exterior support Pylon - Large floor panel icon
Floor Inner Corner - Large floor panel icon
Floor acces tube - Large floor panel icon
Wall Large - Small Wall icon
Wall Inner Corner - Large floor panel icon
Window Large - Small Window icon
Acces Tube - Stairs Icon
Wall automatic Light - Small Wall icon
Light Tripod - Stairs icon
Fence Straight - Rod Icon
Ramp - Stairs icon
Step - Stairs icon
Scout Buggy (WIP) - Outdated 3D printer icon
Forklift (WIP) - Outdated 3D printer icon
Manned Manouvering Unit - Outdated 3D printer icon
3D Printer - Outdated 3D printer icon
Materials Refinery - Rod icon
Atmospheric Processor - Rod Icon
Drilling Rig - Rod Icon
Soil Harvester - Rod Icon
Resource Barrel - Rod icon
Base Platform - large floor panel icon
Exterior Platform - large floor panel icon
Exterior Platform Large - large floor panel icon
Exterior Platform No rod -large floor panel icon
Exterior Platform No rod -large floor panel icon
Attaching Screenshot with example of the issue
Version: Test Branch 0.8.0458 : 31525