Atmosphere EAS green mission area is much bigger at the Probe than it is at the Lander.
It seems illogical to have same device on three different vehicles with three different measure outcomes and resolution altitudes.
Atmosphere EAS green mission area is much bigger at the Probe than it is at the Lander.
It seems illogical to have same device on three different vehicles with three different measure outcomes and resolution altitudes.
1)Build a Probe sond with the EAS device.
2)Do any mission where you should use EAS but there is no need to do photos and assign your EAS Probe sond.
3)Activate mission atmosphere measurement mission. (you should see a new striped and coloured area above)
4)Finish and than do any mission where you use EAS on the Lander sond.
5)Activate mission atmosphere measurement mission.(you should see a new striped and coloured area arround)
Steam Test Build 0.8.0262
lpjt [Lukas Valka]
Rovers Tool Area is very small in comparison to the Probe and the Lander.
screenshot: GasProbe003.jpg
lpjt(lukas valka)