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Rover wheels float aprox. 1cm over terrain
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Only tested with T3 small rover on Victoria Crater terrain. I would like to test on other vehicles but the camera in editor is too damn fast!


Legacy ID
Not Fixable
Steps To Reproduce

Play campaign until you get small rover.
Or, place one down in editor, I just haven't figured out the editor yet.

Event Timeline

runekn edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 1 2013, 4:45 PM
runekn set Category to category:bugs.
runekn set Reproducibility to Always.
runekn set Severity to None.
runekn set Resolution to Not Fixable.
runekn set Legacy ID to 2989951746.May 9 2016, 9:47 AM

Have you tried turning up the graphic settings from "1980 moon lander mode" to max? Might just be a LoD problem if running on low.

Looks good from what I can tell, but can't deny there might be a small gap.

Dram added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 3:18 PM

Hi, yeah noticed as well, there is a small gap above the terrain. Looking into sorting the issue.

As for the camera speed in the editor, turn it down/up by using the mouse wheel. Additionally, if you press and hold the middle mouse button and then turn the mouse wheel, you will zoom in/out.

Dram added a comment.Oct 16 2013, 4:50 PM

Unfortunately this is a limit in the physics calculations, so there is not universal way to fix this.