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Bus disappears after Wednesday reset
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Me and my friends have a camp site set up and we have two buses and a hatchback, the hatchback stayed when the server reset but our two buses vanished without a trace. We know they were not stolen due to immediately getting on after the servers went back up. This is unfortunate because the buses are very good looting vehicles with there large storage space. The Off-road Hatchback did not disappear but the buses did so this may be just a glitch with he buses alone.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Have a bus when the server resets on Wednesday

Event Timeline

SkyDoesHalo1471 set Category to category:environment.
SkyDoesHalo1471 set Reproducibility to Always.
SkyDoesHalo1471 set Severity to None.
SkyDoesHalo1471 set Resolution to Open.
SkyDoesHalo1471 set Legacy ID to 3411163335.May 9 2016, 12:16 AM
SkyDoesHalo1471 added a subscriber: SkyDoesHalo1471.

Okay me and my friend are uncertain if this is a glitch or not, and i should add that the buses where in the shape of a T, right up against each other.