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New Errormessage "DayZ.exe - Entry Point not found" (Translatet)
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Hello one of the DayZ Team,

i have a problem with dayz, an errormessage. I installed the new EXP Verson for testing und search for Bugs and something like this, but i have an errormessage.

When i press "OK" came a new error message. {F32852} {F32853}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

A pic is uploaded

Event Timeline

MouricetheHero set Category to category:support.
MouricetheHero set Reproducibility to N/A.
MouricetheHero set Severity to None.
MouricetheHero set Resolution to Open.
MouricetheHero set Legacy ID to 2307023808.May 9 2016, 12:02 AM

Hi MouricetheHero,

Would it be possible for you to attach a screenshot of the second error message as well please?

Also, could you try uploading a dxdiag report?

You can get your dxdiag file by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Write "dxdiag"
  3. Press enter
  4. A window will open
  5. Click "Save all information"
  6. You will get a text file - that's what we need


Txt has been uploaded.

Thank you.

Your current Windows 10 build is 10240. Please try updating your Windows 10 to the most current version (which should be 10586) and upload a new dxdiag when done.

Also, as mentioned, could you please try uploading an image of the second error message as well?