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AI wild life freezing
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I did not get a picture of this but i noticed really odd behavior with the Animal AI (deer).

I noticed a pack of 3 yesterday, when i zoomed in i noticed they were frozen in a running animation, I fired my rifle, the bullet went through the deer and hit the ground (i saw the dust from the bullet)

So i decided to run over and investigate(about 200 meters. I was playing first person and running downhill so once i got close enough to look up on the hill they were on, i had noticed nothing was there.

I ran back up to where i originally was when i saw them and i noticed they were in a field even further out now and seemed to be, in a way, rubberbanding around. They would run forward and then reverse back to thier original start point. This happened 5 times or more. The movement was very jerky and eventually they ran off in this jerky manner.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce


Event Timeline

VIPEREYE edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 19 2015, 2:54 AM
VIPEREYE set Category to category:aibehavior.
VIPEREYE set Reproducibility to Random.
VIPEREYE set Severity to None.
VIPEREYE set Resolution to Open.
VIPEREYE set Legacy ID to 804182687.May 8 2016, 11:48 PM