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screen flicker when starting game
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everytime i start the game my screen flickers and i have to restart my pc in order to fix it. i have tried changing the settings to match my pc hardware and monitor but still wont work.

all drivers are up to date

Processor: AMD 8350
RAM Corsair 8GB DDR3
Motherboard Asus M5A97 2.0 EVO
Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB DDR5
Monitor 20in LED HP
Onboard Sound Card
display driver amd catalyst 15.7.1


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

start dayz

Event Timeline

bAnKAlLdAy set Category to category:hardwareissues.
bAnKAlLdAy set Reproducibility to Always.
bAnKAlLdAy set Severity to None.
bAnKAlLdAy set Resolution to Open.
bAnKAlLdAy set Legacy ID to 1872351226.May 8 2016, 11:30 PM
bAnKAlLdAy added a subscriber: bAnKAlLdAy.

when i ALT+f4 out the game and go back to the desktop there is a popup that tells me amd display driver has crashed and it does it several times but i always have to reboot my pc