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RE: Error: Failed to initialize BattleEye Service: Driver Load Error (31).
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I have contacted the batteleye support regarding this errpr, twice. They have not replied yet, it has been more than a week since i emailed them. Please help me, or atleast contact them regarding my (1 week unread email). Thank you

I have a problem with the BattleEye program for Dayz Standalone. After running Dayz from the Steam client, the cmd would pop up and say " Failed to initialize BattleEye Service: Driver Load Error (31). I have already looked over the FAQS on the website, I did not found any solution to this particular error. I have Windows 64 bit, updated DayZ. I have also tried disabling my firewall and allowing through anti-virus, still no luck . I also have attached a screenshot of the said error.


Legacy ID
Error Message
Additional Information

DayZ Standalone latest version
PC WIN7 64 bit

Event Timeline

thekz07 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 26 2015, 6:06 AM
thekz07 set Category to Error Message.
thekz07 set Reproducibility to Always.
thekz07 set Severity to None.
thekz07 set Resolution to Open.
thekz07 set Legacy ID to 673231403.May 8 2016, 11:19 PM