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Abuse of Public Hive Rules
Closed, ResolvedPublic



I'm contacting you to report some abuse made by one of your servers admin, who don't respect the rules of public hive of DayZ.
I was kicked off several times from the server port 2302 "FR Rp-coop (Public/Veteran)" on 21th July 2015 18h-18h30

No reason was given to me.
I was playing on the server for several hours, with no problem at all, and the admin "[Nmds] Yoggre" send a message saying that me and my team are under heavy watch because his server is a PVE server ONLY and will be kicked if any kill towards players.

I answer him that I didn't do anything aggressive, and ironicly answer that "thank you to your friendly welcome", which lead to my kick. I tried to connect again, and was kicked...
So I'm really disappointed to see someone acting like this, not respecting rules of DAYZ public hive.

Their use of hosted server demonstrate that they want and need a private hive, so I suggest you to upgrade their server in private hive, because they are unable to respect DayZ rules.

Thanks for your time,



Legacy ID
No Bug
Additional Information

Server is enforcing Public Hive rules :

There is not the "PVE only server" is the name, but there is
"RP - Coop" and when connecting there is the MOTD "Le tir a vue sera sanctionne" "Kill on sight will be punished".

And they have kicked all my team without ANY reason... only because having LVT-xxx tag which isn't enforcing anything at all.

Event Timeline

AzTeK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 21 2015, 7:14 PM
AzTeK set Category to General.
AzTeK set Reproducibility to Always.
AzTeK set Severity to None.
AzTeK set Resolution to No Bug.
AzTeK set Legacy ID to 3492544579.May 8 2016, 11:17 PM
Yopeth added a subscriber: Yopeth.May 8 2016, 11:17 PM

I confirm that today we were free kicks from the NMDS for no reason
especially on a public server or you can not put obigatoire rules

You should also contact their server host. Ex: Vilayer, Fragnet, GameServers, etc. They have the power to pull the plug since they control the server. And their support would probably get back to you faster.

Hi AzTeK,

That is no good at all. I'll check out the server to see if the kos message is still there and report it to the appropriate GSP. If you run into this problem again (on the same or on any other server) then just submit a new ticket and I'll take care of it.
