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Another Character Reset, different question though
Closed, ResolvedPublic


OK so ive been playing DayZ for about 3 Months now consistently (logging on every day) and my issue is brand new. this week it just started happening. So ive heard many reasons,causes,fixes, etc etc to losing chars in server hops or just logging in. I can say my situation does not fit any of the "main" causes to char loss. So just recently I logged on to my geared char played then decided to switch servers, (server was NOT resetting) i choose to leave for other reasons. The server I logged into was a 4hr reset server and the time was 15:00 so a reset happened an hour ago, I spawned a bambi to my surprise, besides accedentily clicking on PVT servers and spawning fresh its never happened to me in Public Servers. I was confused as a Bambi I moved around, Interacted with stuff etc etc. Logged out, Server hopped back to my original server where i spawned as a bambi again. At that point I did some research an found out lots of (ill Call them Myths) they might be facts to some but one specific widely supported theory was if you spawn as a bambi and you dont move you can get your char back but if you move the Hive copies over your char, at that point I believed my char was gone, I stopped playing for a couple hours, Logged in it showed a bambi on the home screen so i Chose one of the (24/7 day High loot) always packed servers and to my surprise my original geared char loaded up. So moving as a bambi did not erase him. My char seems to just disappear and re-appear randomly for no set reason (Logging out during server reset, hard shutdown, server hopping continuosuly) I have "lost" and "gained" my char back three times now its at the point where I know hes not gone I just dont know the "trigger or sweet spot" that brings him back. now i noticed one of the admins I think commented on someones post about a char reset and informed him he still had his char that it was still in the system he even said dont worry you still have that shotty too! I was hoping,

  1. If someone could give me tips on why this all of a sudden random char loss is happening. How to prevent it besides the common soultions (stay on one server, dont move as bambis etc etc) none of those warning really applied to me as i did both and still had my char.
  2. If an admin could confirm for me my geared up char is still here i guess just not wiped.


Legacy ID
No Bug

Event Timeline

SurvivorMagyverZ set Reproducibility to Random.
SurvivorMagyverZ set Severity to None.
SurvivorMagyverZ set Resolution to No Bug.
SurvivorMagyverZ set Legacy ID to 1272986440.May 8 2016, 11:15 PM
SurvivorMagyverZ added a subscriber: SurvivorMagyverZ.

Also I make it a point to lock my self in rooms when i log so the chance that I died is very low. I just feel like next time if he does come back im just gonna not play with him until something changes because getting killed falling to your death starving etc etc are all acceptable reasons to die and dont usually cause a turmoil vs looting up and not even being able to play with him because idk what server he will load up on if he will even load at all. besides PVT servers i never had to be cautios on server changes. Now it feels like most of my time playing is just serever hopping trying to get my char back or doing research on this whole issue. I just dont see the point of playing if im not even sure ill be able to save my progress. im not a spawn as a bambi grab the nearest weapon and head for elektro player. I like to loot up far off coast which means i have very few player interactions and it sucks to finnally be ready to hit elektro guns-a-blazin and have the server or whatever just swallow my char whole. 2steps forward 5steps back 8hours of my day spent and gone on a char I might not ever see again. Like I said if i got shot i would unserstand but to just lose a char for no real reason is just such a de-motivator to make another char

If it happened today, I think depends on the DDOS attack, I've experienced the same issues all day long, but now it's all working fine because they fix it.

As mentioned by Hasumaru; this is due to a set of current ddos attacks that we've been hit with. The team is aware of the situation and are working on mitigating the attacks.
