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Jumping off crane into water causes black screen with no death notice and unuseable UI, forces user to manually close program.
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Spawned in Berezino and ran to Nizhnaya Bay. Climbed shipping crane in harbor and jumped off control box into water. Game screen went black and semi-unresponsive with no text. Esc still worked, however the respawn button was grayed out and non functional.

Attempted to repair issue myself. Still had cross hairs on black screen, still hopeful. Used command | SHIFT(numpad)- flush | and flush successful. However, flushed back to black screen with no text and unable to respawn.

Attempted to quit server by clicking 'Exit'. Exit button unresponsive. Flushed another time for good measure, still no change. No sound nor FPS movement on scale. Was forced to Alt-Tab out of window and close game manually.


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Climb on top of shipping cranes control box making a running jump available into the water. Run and jump into harbor. Behold the glory of blackness and no death.

Additional Information

Will be attempting other harbors and other cranes, along with depth of water.

Event Timeline

WastedPotato edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
WastedPotato set Category to Game Freezes.
WastedPotato set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
WastedPotato set Severity to None.
WastedPotato set Resolution to Open.
WastedPotato set Legacy ID to 1065641885.May 8 2016, 11:11 PM