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Game crashed so hard I had to reinstall windows
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There was a couple weird things going on right before this happened.

I found a magnum, put it in my pack and attempted to load it with a speedloader, when I dropped the speedloader over the magnum, the box for the reloader turned green instead of orange. Don't know if it actually loaded or not.

My hotkeys were all missing and the boxes were barely showing. Went to drop my freshly "loaded" magnum onto what I believe was the 3 slot when my game crashed.

Complete crash, unable to ctrl+alt+delete or a hard shutdown using power button. Windows would not load after forcing a power off. couldn't repair or go back to a previous state, had to reinstall Windows entirely.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Previously reported issue where computer would freeze on exiting Dayz, I'm guessing the game crashed because of the magnum and then this issue kicked in.

Additional Information

Was going to post this on reddit but thought I should bring it up to you guys first.

Event Timeline

pokiarchy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
pokiarchy set Category to Game Crash.
pokiarchy set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
pokiarchy set Severity to None.
pokiarchy set Resolution to Open.
pokiarchy set Legacy ID to 3541106909.May 8 2016, 10:58 PM