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When player attempts to drink multiple times from well, action may reoccure shortly after.
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Drinking from the well in Starry Sobor (in red houses yard), I had to place my firearm on the ground, due to having another firearm holstered on back. I drank my fill from the well to 'Hydrated' bright green, then immediately picked weapon from off the ground.

Weapon was AKM with PSO-1, Black Plastic Railguard, Wooden AK47 Butt, and Black 75round Drum. (nearly cried when realized weapon was lost forever)

After immediately picking weapon up, stood up from the crouched position and sprinted 50 meters down the road to rest behind a red coupe.

Player began to enact 'Drinking From Well' action when I stopped behind the car and went into the crouched position. Drinking From Well action removed AKM from hands.

AKM cannot be found. Immediately searched car and surrounding area, backtracked to the well and searched that area as well.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

Mass drink from well, (Drink from well action, cancel. Repeat)

Place awesome, extremely hard to find weapon in your hand. 576 hours logged, and this is the first time I've obtained a full AKM like that....

Lose said weapon.

Become dehydrated from tears.

Additional Information

Could also be an issue with the server. Server crashed halfway through my initial search of the car and I had to continue when server came back online 3-5 minutes later. Not sure if crash was due to awesome AKM being lost or not.

Event Timeline

WastedPotato edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
WastedPotato set Category to category:items.
WastedPotato set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
WastedPotato set Severity to None.
WastedPotato set Resolution to Open.
WastedPotato set Legacy ID to 81770775.May 8 2016, 10:42 PM

you use a bug to produce a bug. if the first bug is solved the second is solved too.

(spam "F" on a well)